White Mountains Pride 2020 Poster Contest Rules
What’s the Purpose? In celebration of White Mountains Pride we want to see what PRIDE
means to you!
Who May Enter? Any resident of the White Mountains. Winners will be chosen in Youth, Teen, and Adult Categories.
What Prizes are Awarded? All first-place winners will receive a gift card from a local business. Winning poster images will be included in the 2020 White Mountains Pride Festival Program and on marketing materials. Winners will be recognized at the White Mountains Pride Festival on June 27th 10am-5pm at The North Conway Community Center. All entries will be considered for display at the festival.
What are the Entry Details? Posters must be created in 2D format on vertical (portrait) 8.5x14” paper. All submissions must be created by an individual artist, no group or team submissions. Limit of one submission per artist. All submission must include artist’s name, age, address, phone number, and email.
What is the Submission Deadline? All submission must be received by April 1st 2020.
How do I Submit? Drop off your submission at the front desk of The Cranmore Inn along with
your name, age, address, phone number, and email. Winners will be notified by April 30th 2020.
Who Judges the Contest? Local artists and members of White Mountains Pride Board of Directors will consult to choose a winner in each category.
What are the Judgement Criteria? Winners will be chosen based on creativity, adherence to the theme, and overall design. Submissions deemed offensive or inappropriate will be withdrawn from the contest.
What Permissions do Participants Grant? All posters become property of White Mountains Pride. By submitting a poster all contestants agree for their work to be displayed at events, in publications and promotional materials, in electronic form and on the internet. Posters will be available for return at the close of the Festival at 5:00pm on June 27th 2020 at The North Conway Community Center.
Who can I contact for more information? You can email whitemountainspride@gmail.com or call 207-200-1396